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attorney at law
Registry number: 77/17140

  • Attorney at law Andrey Kozhemyakin

Andrey Kozhemyakin is a lawyer practicing since 2007 with experience in law enforcement, specializing in juridical analysis, providing interests of natural and legal persons, defending of interests of citizens in the mostdifficult cases on all stages of civil and criminal trial. He is a member of House of attorneys of Moskow, his number in regional listis is 77/17140.

Andrey Kozhemyakin has two basic educations (historical and legal).

Andrey Kozhemyakin speaks English fluently and has experience of cooperation with foreign citizens.

Scientific specialization - 12.00.09 - criminal procedure, criminalistics and legal expertise; investigation and search operations. Andrey Kozhemyakin is a post-graduated student of Sheifer S.A, Doctor of Juridical Science, department of criminal procedure and criminalistics of Samara State University. Scientific activity of Andrey Kozhemyakin is presented by several scientific publications and by taking part in legal seminars and conferences.

Under continuing legislation of Russian Federation, federal law "About advocacy", Andrey Kozhemyakin provides services in following directions:

  • defense of citizens in criminal cases;
  • representation in arbitration;
  • legal regulation of corporate conflicts;
  • working out defence measures from hostile takeover;
  • representation of interests of citizens in civil disputes;
  • representation of interests of citizens in administrative cases and procedures;
  • representation of citizens in government agencies;
  • legal assistance for foreign citizens in different kinds of law and features of russian legislation in areas of economics, family, employment, administrative and other legal relationships. Representation of foreign citizens in courts of Russian Federation.

Extensive professional experience in law machinery of Russian Federation and then in advocateship, high level of legal knowledge allows Andrey Kozhemyakin to provide reliable defence of legal rights, interests and liberties of principal. To you, individual approach for solution of your legal problem, confidentiality of any information, undertime and high level of services are guaranteed. Professional and qualitative advocate work for civil and criminal cases, care of treatment of principal's wishes and strict execution of understandings and agreementsis a reliable basis for effective cooperation of lawyer and client.

Are you interested? Call (495) 925-16-19, +7-985-452-18-88. Also you may ask your question FREE OF COST.

Attorney at law Andrey Kozhemyakin is always ready to render legal assistance for you and to offer way out of any situation which seems unsolvable. Legal services from professional - is a solution of your difficult question.

Lawyer consulting, and his work for civil and criminal cases is paid by principal under concluded arrangement and recommendation.

Address: bld. 1, Myasnitskaya 10, Moscow, 101000.

All rights reserved © Andrey Kozhemyakin, 2007-2025.
Defence and representation in criminal cases; representation in civil disputes and arbitrage. Tax conflicts. Corporate conflicts. Land conflicts. Consulting. Executing documents.
The website kozhemjakin.ru is not a mass media; its author is not responsible for any published content, including, but not limited to commentaries published by 3-rd parties. The content available on this website cannot be used as evidence in legal procedures.


Address: building 1, Myasnitskaya street 10, Moscow, 101000
(495) 925-16-19


16 апр 2024, 11:08
Others, without condemning it within moderate limits, consider it unnecessary to spend too much time and effort on it. There will also be those, from among the lovers of Greek literature who despise Latin literature, who will say that they prefer to spend their energy on reading Greek authors.
16 апр 2024, 11:02
I understood perfectly well, Brutus, that my efforts to express in Latin what the Greek philosophers wrote with such talent and learning would meet with disapproval from various quarters. After all, some, even very educated people, are generally suspicious of the very practice of philosophy.
16 апр 2024, 10:40
Checking the placement of a news article on the site.